Drone Programming
1. Career Connections
2 Activities
1. Brainstorm
2. Examples
2. Simulator Practice
2 Activities
1. Circle
2. Square
3. Drone Setup
2 Activities
1. Charging
2. Programing
4. Flight Basics
2 Activities
1. Square Flip
2. Rectangle Flip
5a. Shuttle Run
2 Activities
1. Basic Shuttle run
2 Shuttle Run w/Variables
5b. Snake Run
2 Activities
1. Basic Snake Mission
2. Snake Mission w/Logic
6. Final Challenge
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1. Basic Shuttle run
Drone Programming
5a. Shuttle Run
1. Basic Shuttle run
Write and implement a code that commands your drone to take off and fly forward and return 3 times. Each time your drone must increase its flight distance by an increment of 12 inches.
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