You and your teammates will decide on what you want a competition looks like.
You will decide together and your instructor will help you with any problems that may come up.
Example of Mario Kart Competition Rules
VS Mode
Mode: 100cc Race
Teams: No Teams
Items: Normal Items
COM: Normal COM
COM Vehicles: All Vehicles
Courses: Choose
Race Count: 4 Races
Example of Super Smash Bros Competition Rules
Smash Tourney
2 or 3 stock
5- 7 minute time limit
Items and spirits are turned to off and none.
No pausing or staling
If time runs out, the winner is determined by remaining stock, and then by ending damage percentage.
If both stock and percentage are identical, or a game ends with both players being KO’d simultaneously, then a tiebreaker is played. A tiebreaker is a 1 stock, 3 minute match with the same characters and the same stage.
Tracking System Suggestions
Create a tracking system with your teammates to determine how you will rank players at the end of each round.
An easy way is to use a bracket system. Super Smash has its own bracket system if you use the “Tournament” mode.
Use a random name generator to help determine who will play for each round.
Competition Practice Time!
Now we will take some time to play Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros and practice the rules we set for each of the games.
Don’t forget about the Core Values and Common Sense Media lessons we have learned about and practice them as you play today.
Be sure to focus today and show good sportsmanship even if you don’t win. There will be more time to practice.
Sketch & Tell Exit Ticket
Sketch: How you felt playing in the competition practice.
Tell: How you showed good sportsmanship today.
Wrap Up
Fill out your Mastery Tracker for the day.
How did you do in the competition practice if you got to play?