Computer Science Enrichment (YAP Micronesia)
Unit 1: Game Control with Microbit
Activity #1: Introduction to Scratch
Activity #2: Microbit Racing Game
Unit 2: Game Control with MakeyMakey
Activity #1: Introduction to MakeyMakey
Activity #2: MakeyMakey Controller
Unit 3: More with Microbits!
Activity #1: Microbit Playground
Activity #2: AI and Microbits
Unit 4: AI Continued
Activity #1: Teachable Machine and Scratch
Activity #2: ChatGPT and p5.js
Unit 5: Final Prototype
Activity #1: Meet the Customer
Activity #2: Design Challenge
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Activity #1: Meet the Customer
Computer Science Enrichment (YAP Micronesia)
Activity #1: Meet the Customer
You are going to be designing a product for Brad, the individual featured in the video below. Carefully view the video to get to know your customer.
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