A. Career Connection

Group Discussion:

Over the past weeks you have learned about different scientific concepts such as kinetic energy, Newton’s 3rd law, and the properties of elements such as hydrogen and oxygen. 

  1. What careers other than a rollercoaster engineer might utilize information about kinetic and potential energy?
  2. What do you see in the future for earthquake-proof buildings?
  3. How can you apply Newton’s 3rd law in a future science project?
  4. Where do you see the future of science in terms of hydrogen fuel cells?
  5. Can you think of any specific careers that would utilize the recent knowledge you acquired?

Instructions (Part I): Each video below covers 10 different careers within the realms of physics, chemistry, and/or biology. Select and view a specific career that interest you by hovering over the play bar. Use the QR code provided to briefly discuss what career interest you and why.

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