Activity #2: Design Challenge

Part 1: Your challenge is to build an adaptive controller for Brad, similar to the one shown here, to play the Scratch game you created in Unit 1 using the MakeyMakey. You can reuse materials from previous projects and incorporate any new materials available to you. Since Brad has limited mobility, integrate the “earth” key into each button as a switch, as demonstrated in Unit 2, Activity #1. Optionally, you can enhance your controller by adding interactive components with the Microbit. Follow the process below to create your prototype. 

Part 2: Work with your team to create a drawing of your controller. Use arrows to label the functionality and add color where appropriate. Use the QR code below to upload a picture of your drawing. Type your first name in the “Subject” area.

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Part 3: Work with your team to create an initial prototype using your drawing as a guide. Test and revise your prototype until it is functional. Use the QR code below to upload a video of your adaptive controller in action. Type your first name in the “Subject” area.

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