C. Water Rockets

Instructions (Part I): Carefully view the below video, focusing your attention on Newton’s 3rd Law. 

Instructions (Part II): Carefully view the below video for specifics on how to launch your 2L bottle rocket.  

Instructions (Part III): Perform a series of test launches using differing amounts of water to determine the amount of water that yields the highest launch. Wear safety glasses. 

Instructions (Part IV): Carefully view the below video beginning at the 2:25 mark. When done, decide if you would like to design a rocket built for maximum height, or maximum time spent in the air. 

Instructions (Part V): Using materials similar to those shown below (or analogous materials that you have been provided) build and test your rocket. When you are happy with its performance (max height or max time), make any corrections and prepare for final launch. Discuss which one of Newton’s 3 laws is most featured in this activity with your team. 

Instructions (Part VI): When ready, record a video of your final launch and share below. Type your first name(s) in the “Subject” area. A QR code is provided below for ease of upload. 

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