Advanced Robotics
Week 1
Day 1 (Structural Engineering)
Day 2 (Robotic Arm Tank Build)
Week 2
Day 1 (Robotic Arm Tank Build cont.)
Day 2 (Robotic Arm Tank Control-Part I)
Week 3
Days 1 & 2 (Robotic Arm Control – Part II)
Week 4
Day 1 (Open Day)
Day 2 (Chemical Reactions)
Week 5
Day 1 (Bomb Disposal Robots)
Day 2 (Bomb Disposal Challenge)
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Day 1 (Open Day)
Advanced Robotics
Day 1 (Open Day)
Complete any unfinished work. If you are all caught up, continue to explore controlling your “Robotic Arm Tank” using your MakeyMakey.
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