Gaming with Positivity
- What are all the different ways you communicate with your friends?
- Face-to-face?
- On your phone or computer?
Keeping Games Fun & Friendly
- What social interactions do you notice in the video?
- Who talks to who?
- What do they say?
Gaming with Positivity Reflection
- From the video, what are examples of action the characters took to be positive or to avoid a risky situation?
- Think about a setting where you interact with others online.
- What is that setting?
- What can you do in that setting to help you keep your interactions positive?
Esports League Roles
- President: The leader of the team, monitors the goals of the league, and helps resolve gaming disputes.
- Vice President: Assists the President and if the President is not available, the Vice President takes over.
- League Ambassadors: Assists the instructor, is the spokesperson for the team at competitions, and is in charge of knowing the competition rules.
- Equipment Managers: Have knowledge of the equipment, assist in keeping the software updated, and ensuring the equipment is put away at the end of each session.
Purposeful Play
- Now we will take some time to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
- Don’t forget about the Core Values and Common Sense Media lessons we have learned about and practice them as you play today:
- Technical Knowledge
- Ethics
- Rings of Responsibility
- Gaming with Positivity
Wrap Up
- How did you game with positivity today?
- When and what time is the next meeting?