B. AI Facial Recognition

Instructions (Part I): Now it is your turn to design, and train, your own facial recognition AI system. Click here to access “Teachable Machine” and carefully follow along with the process shown in this video. 


Instructions (Part II): Using the video above for instructions, imagine, design, and create your own trained facial recognition system. Your goal is to simulate a system that could help match the faces of criminal suspects with previously existing images. For instance, create 5 different “classes,” each containing 70-100 hypothetical mug shots of different classmates. Train your system using these images, then test its accuracy by having each “suspect” face the webcam. Adjust and retrain your system as needed until you’re satisfied. Finally, export your trained facial recognition system and paste a copy of the link below. In the “Subject” field, type your first name and describe your specific system in the “Write something…” area.

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