Intro to Robotics
1. Career Connections
2 Activities
1. Brainstorm
2. Examples
2. Simulator Practice
2 Activities
1. Moving
2. Sensing
3. Robot Setup
2 Activities
1. Anatomy
2. Barcodes
4. Dance Routine
2 Activities
1. Programming
2. Movements
5. Art Show
2 Activities
1. Structure
2. Programming
6. Final Challenge
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2. Barcodes
Intro to Robotics
3. Robot Setup
2. Barcodes
Instructions (Part I):
Watch the below video to learn how to program your Edison Robot using Barcodes.
Instructions (Part II):
Each barcode below, also found on your handout, when loaded onto your Edison Robot performs one of the following functions:
Light following
Obstacle Avoidance
Border Bouncing
Clap Driving
Experiment with each barcode to determine which one relates to which function.
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