Assistive Technology and AI
Part 1: Microbit Overview
A: Materials Inventory
B: Introduction to the Microbit
C: Microbit and AI (ChatGPT)
D: Microbit Design Challenges
Part 2: Microbit Controller
A: Functional 3D Print (Tinkercad Training)
B. Introduction to Scratch
C: Scratch and the Microbit
D: Controller for Quadriplegic Individuals
Part 3: MakeyMakey Instrument
A: Introduction to the MakeyMakey Controller
B: MakeyMakey and Scratch Instrument
C: Scratch and AI (Pictoblox)
D. Instrument for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
Part 4: Raspberry Pi Manual Dexterity Trainer
A. Introduction to Raspberry Pi
B. Dancing Unicorn
C. Surgical Dexterity Trainer
Part 5: Final Showcase
**Final Showcase**
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A: Materials Inventory
Assistive Technology and AI
A: Materials Inventory
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