Days 1-4 (AI for Social Good)

Instructions (Part I): Click here and carefully read the article titled “Artificial Intelligence Explained in Simple Terms”. 

Instructions (Part II): Carefully view the below video titled “What is Artificial Intelligence?” 

Instructions (Part III): Click here and take 10 minutes to explore Google’s collection of “AI Experiments”. When you are ready, scroll to “AI + Drawing” and explore each of three experiments shown below. 

Instructions (Part IV): Click here and take 10 minutes  to explore Google’s collection of “AI Experiments”. When you are ready, scroll to the “AI + Learning” and spend time tinkering with the “Teachable Machine” experiment shown below. 

Instructions (Part V): Once you are comfortable with how to “train” your Teachable Machine, spend ~ 30 minutes making an individual Image, Audio, and Pose project. 

Instructions (Part VI): Click here and make an account with Machine Learning for Kids (MLFK). Click here and make an account with the Scratch programming site. (note: you should already have an account with Scratch). 

Instructions (Part VII): Carefully view the below video. While viewing, try to follow along in MLFK and Scratch to gain familiarity with the integration between both systems. 

Instructions (Part VIII): Click here and download the “Make me happy” project instructions. Follow along carefully in MLFK and Scratch

Instructions (Part IX): Click here and download the “Face Lock” project instructions. Follow along carefully in MLFK and Scratch

Instructions (Part X): Reflect on what you learned in the above two MFLK/Scratch projects. Using your past projects as an inspiration, design your own MLFK/Scratch project. Your project should use the information obtained in “Parts VIII” and “Parts IX” above in the creation of a unique AI that addresses a need in society that you identified. 

Instructions (Part XI): Copy a public link to your MLFK/Scratch game and paste it below. Type your first name in the “Subject” area. In the “Write something…” area, briefly describe the need in society that your your AI addresses. 

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