Assistive Technology
1. Career Connections
2 Activities
1. Brainstorm
2. Examples
2. Tinkercad Basics
2 Activities
1. Starters
2. Repeat
3. Challenge #1
4. Scratch Basics
2 Activities
1. Learn
2. Repeat
5. MakeyMakey Basics
2 Activities
1. Introduction
2. Test
6. Challenge #2
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2. Examples
Assistive Technology
1. Career Connections
2. Examples
Take 20 minutes and watch the below videos. When you are done reflect on which Assistive Technology related career was your favorite and why.
#1 – Gaming Control
#2 – Cooking Utensils
#3 – Prosthetics
#4 – Bionics
#5 – Visual Impairment
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