Week 3 (7/10-7/14) – Scratch and MLFK

Instructions (Part I): Carefully view the below video to learn how “Machine Learning for Kids” (MLFK) can be leveraged, along with Scratch to learn about applications of Artificial Intelligence. 

Instructions (Part II): Click here and make an account with Machine Learning for Kids (MLFK). 

Instructions (Part III): Click here and skim through all of the instructional worksheets beginning with “Describe the Glass” and ending with “Hand Gestures”. Choose 5 different projects to complete by following along with the associated worksheet. 

Instructions (Part IV): Reflect on your completed projects above. Choose your favorite (or complete a new one), click “Share” in Scratch and paste the link to your chosen project below. If you have time, try to integrate the Microbit into your MLFK invention! Type your first name in the “Subject” area.

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