Week 5 (7/24-7/28) – ChatGPT Exploration

Exploration 1 - Microbit Simulator

Instructions (Part I): Click here and here to open up ChatGPT and the Microbit coding environment. Carefully follow along with the below video. 

Instructions (Part II): Using the information in the above video, build your own unique Microbit digital simulator program using ChatGPT as a JavaScript generator. 

Instructions (Part III): Now that you have run your own unique code in the simulator, use the information here and in the below video to run your code on your physical Microbit from Week 1. 

Exploration 2 - Game Development

Instructions (Part I): Carefully view the below video to learn about the p5.js coding environment. 

Instructions (Part II): Carefully view the below video to learn how to combine the ChatGPT and p5.js environments to build video game prototypes. 

Instructions (Part III): Using your knowledge of both ChatGPT and p5.js, generate the code for your own unique game. Spend time modifying and playing your game. 

Exploration 3 - Video Development

Instructions (Part I): Click here and here to open up ChatGPT and Pictory. Login to ChatGPT and make a sign up for a Free Trial with Pictory. Once done, carefully follow along with the below video to learn how to create a short narrated multimedia video using by combining ChatGPT and Pictory.  

Instructions (Part II): Now that you have followed along with the above video, reflect on a topic that you are passionate about. Using the method shown in video above, use ChatGPT and Pictory to create a 30 second short video that includes background music and voiceover. Take your time to edit each slide, with the goal of creating a video you are proud of! Generate a link to the video and share it below. Type your first name in the “Subject” area. 

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