Day 3 (Prehistoric Domain)

*Complete any unfinished work from Day 2 with your partner. 

Instructions (Part I): Charge your Oculus  headset. Carefully watch the below video as a class or with your partner. 

Instructions (Part II): We are now going to spend some time visiting and learning at a hypothetical virtual prehistoric park. To do this, access the “Browser” in your headset and navigate to to the site: Once there you will click on “GO TO THE PARK” shown below. 

Instructions (Part III): Before you visit any attractions, spend some time reading about the various “Animals” in the park by clicking on the tab above and hovering over each name. When done, switch headsets with your partner. When you are not using the headset, spend time reading about Marine Paleontology here

Instructions (Part IV): For this trip to the park we will visit two attractions: Flying Giants and Big Jaws. See screenshots below. Make sure your audio is turned on as shown below before you enter each attraction. Listen carefully to the information being shared by the tour guide as you engage in each experience. When done, switch headsets with your partner. When you are not using the headset, spend time reading about the Pteranodon here and the Megalodon here

Instructions (Part V): Use the search function (click here if your need assistance) to find and view the Pteranodon 360 video on YouTube VR shown below. As you watch, make a note of additional things you learned in the video after seeing the Pteranodon at the Prehistoric Domain Park. When done, switch headsets with your partner. When you are not using the headset, spend time reading more about the Pteranodon fossil record here

Instructions (Part VI): Charge your Oculus  headset. Carefully watch the below video as a class or with your partner. As you watch, make a note of additional things you learned in the video after seeing the Megalodon at the Prehistoric Domain Park. 

Instructions (Part VII): Click the “+” icon on the bottom right of the board below, type your first name in the “Subject” area, and list a few new things you learned and/or observed after today’s Prehistoric Domain experience and readings in the “Write something…” area. Do this individually. 

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