Day 3 (Digital Citizenship Lesson #2 & Game Design cont.)

Digital Citizenship Lesson #2

Instructions (Part I): Carefully view the below video titled “What’s in Your Digital Footprint?” 

Instructions (Part II): After viewing the above video, find a partner or group and discuss the following: 

  • What images are used in the video? 
  • What do the images used represent?

Instructions (Part III): Individually, review the following hypothetical online conversation below and follow the discussion protocol that follows with your group. 

Instructions (Part IV): Using the board below, share a few different ways you can shape your digital footprintType your first name in the “Subject” area. 

Made with Padlet
Game Design cont.

Instructions (Part V): Complete Lessons 5-9 as shown in the screenshot below. Although you will be completing these lessons individually, work next to a partner or group so you can share ideas and troubleshoot together!