Edison Robotics

Dear Elissa,

My name is Ramsey Musallam, and I have designed the workshop you will be leading on June 17 & 18. Below, you will find resources to ensure your facilitation is both smooth and well-informed. You will also find a copy of this email in the "Materials" section of the workshop curriculum.

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Please confirm your readiness by replying to all on this email thread by June 10th after reviewing the provided information. Feel free to ask any questions or share concerns you might have.Workshop Curriculum: Access the curriculum that you and the participants will follow here. Please display this URL for student access: https://wovenlearning.org/workshop-menu/shasta/  All Edidson materials are provided by Woven for each step of the curriculum process. Adjust group sizes as needed to ensure student involvement, ideally 2-3 students per group, with 2 being preferable.

Workshop Specifics:

  • Day 1: Robot Setup - This day will include basic robot setup and connection, along with leveraging Barcodes to set up the robots. Click here for more information about setting up your Edison robots and here for more information on using Barcodes to program your Edison robots. Additionally, although provided, click here for a link to a pdf of each Barcode.
  • Day 2: Robot Freestyle - This day will feature leveraging the EdScratch programming language in conjunction with your Edison Robot. In addition to the videos provided in the curriculum, please review the 5 videos featured in this playlist to enhance your understanding of programming your Edison robot using EdScratch prior to the workshop.

Teacher Support:

  • For non-urgent inquiries, please email me directly at ramsey@wovenlearning.org. I will reply within 24 hours.
  • For urgent or time-sensitive inquiries, please call or text me at (415) 260-2581, and I will provide support as soon as possible.

I look forward to our collaboration and hope you find the experience enjoyable and rewarding.

Best regards,

Ramsey Musallam